Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 Halo anak Sanmar! Kami dari ekstrakurikuler Jurnalistik membutuhkan karya sastra siswa untuk tabloid sekolah semester ini.

Jadi jika kalian punya cerpen, puisi, atau karya sastra lain dan ingin menampilkannya di tabloid sekolah untuk teman kalian dibaca, dapat kontak guru Bahasa Indonesia kalian atau langsung ke saya.n Terima kasih, Spirit of Mary!

 Selamat sore anak Sanmar 2!! Ada info dari ekstrakurikuler Jurnalistik nihh

Jadi untuk semester ini tabloid akan ada Salam Canda. Salam Canda itu seperti pesan untuk teman gitu. Kalau bayar pesannya bisa dimasukkin ke tabloid


Ini formnya, bisa bayar di guru B Indo 5k untuk masukin pesan di tabloid . Jangan lupa untuk mengisi form yang jelas

Tenggatnya sebelum SAS, jadi cepat isi jika ingin mengirim pesan ke teman melalui tabloid sekolah yaaa

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Thursday, November 9, 2023


What you need:

1. Glue

2. Utility Knife/Cutter

3. Cardboard

4. Newspaper (optional)

5. Paint (optional)

6. Printed out picture

Steps to make the basic picture frame:

1. Measure the cardboard to fit the picture, make 2

2. Cut the 2 cardboard cutouts with the utility knife

3. On the 2nd piece of cardboard, measure a hole in the shape of a rectangle, then cut it with the utility knife

4. With the leftover cardboard, make the frame stand by drawing it and cutting it with the utility knife so you can put it on your desk.

5. Glue together the 1st piece of cardboard & picture.

6. Glue the 2nd piece of cardboard on the picture

As for decorations, you can add them according to your creativity. If you are unsure of what to decorate it with, here is an option:

1. Cut the newspaper into 2

2. Roll the newspaper neatly & tightly

3. Cut the newspaper roll into small pieces, around 1-2cm

4. Paint the newspaper rolls & let it dry

5. Glue the rolls onto the cardboard frame


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