Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 Halo anak Sanmar! Kami dari ekstrakurikuler Jurnalistik membutuhkan karya sastra siswa untuk tabloid sekolah semester ini.

Jadi jika kalian punya cerpen, puisi, atau karya sastra lain dan ingin menampilkannya di tabloid sekolah untuk teman kalian dibaca, dapat kontak guru Bahasa Indonesia kalian atau langsung ke saya.n Terima kasih, Spirit of Mary!

 Selamat sore anak Sanmar 2!! Ada info dari ekstrakurikuler Jurnalistik nihh

Jadi untuk semester ini tabloid akan ada Salam Canda. Salam Canda itu seperti pesan untuk teman gitu. Kalau bayar pesannya bisa dimasukkin ke tabloid


Ini formnya, bisa bayar di guru B Indo 5k untuk masukin pesan di tabloid . Jangan lupa untuk mengisi form yang jelas

Tenggatnya sebelum SAS, jadi cepat isi jika ingin mengirim pesan ke teman melalui tabloid sekolah yaaa

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Thursday, November 9, 2023


What you need:

1. Glue

2. Utility Knife/Cutter

3. Cardboard

4. Newspaper (optional)

5. Paint (optional)

6. Printed out picture

Steps to make the basic picture frame:

1. Measure the cardboard to fit the picture, make 2

2. Cut the 2 cardboard cutouts with the utility knife

3. On the 2nd piece of cardboard, measure a hole in the shape of a rectangle, then cut it with the utility knife

4. With the leftover cardboard, make the frame stand by drawing it and cutting it with the utility knife so you can put it on your desk.

5. Glue together the 1st piece of cardboard & picture.

6. Glue the 2nd piece of cardboard on the picture

As for decorations, you can add them according to your creativity. If you are unsure of what to decorate it with, here is an option:

1. Cut the newspaper into 2

2. Roll the newspaper neatly & tightly

3. Cut the newspaper roll into small pieces, around 1-2cm

4. Paint the newspaper rolls & let it dry

5. Glue the rolls onto the cardboard frame

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

    My friends and I have been playing a game called Dungeons and Dragons. It's a tabletop game mixed with roleplaying. Currently, it is my job to come up with the story and narration, and my friends will play as their own characters. This is the current story that explains the setting of the story. If you want a further explanation of D&D, you can search up online or go to my friend's blog, New Order Campaign here on Blogger as well

    Welcome to the Land of Sined. A land full of wonders, that is until the war between the humans and the elves.

    Humans and elves used to co exist peacefully as yin/yang. The Elf Princess, Eowyn even married a Human knight named Akakios. However one faithful day, a fire spread across The Winding Woods. The elf princess... was found dead. The kingdom found the human guilty and they banished him to the dungeons, never to see the sun once more.

    The new leader, the current Elf King, Eldarion, married a noble elf and had a son named Lygon. Unfortunately the child passed on around 10 years after his birth. The king accused the humans for assassinating Lygon and declared war.

    The elves hired the orcs to be the brawns to their brain. The humans hired the halflings to be the brains to their brawn. The war lasted 5 years... during that time, the humans went nearly extinct, only leaving a small village of Mal. The elves ruled the land with the orcs as their right hand. As for the halflings, they were scared the elves would go for them next. And so they built the city of Muryll, a city where everyone of all races can live in peace and harmony.

It's been 50 years since the war unofficially ended. The characters find a peculiar Golden Statue of a seemingly divine being. With a press on the star atop it's crown, they somehow get transported to another timeline. In this timeline, the war was abruptly stopped. The other races grouped together and annihilated the humans, halflings, elves, and orcs. Though the war stopped, another obstacles appears in the way of peace. A Dragonborne who calls himself King Dragon became the land's tyrant. With the help of his minions, he plans on opening The Chaos Door. It is up to the characters to stop him. But first, they need to find all the statues once more and get back home.

These are the areas the players can explore in the story:

1. Natshe Empire, a massive empire where all the residents worship the gods, whether good or evil. It is said to be built by Torm, God of Courage and Self Sacrifice after the battle between Humans and Elves. In fact, more devout followers of Him state that the Empire's walls are built by Torm's flesh, the buildings from His bones, and the gold from His blood. They strongly follow traditions, still having regular gladiator battles.

2. Llahalva Empire, known by their rivalry with Natshe Empire, this empire is protected by Helm, God of Protection. A barrier casted by Helm is said to block attacks from outer forces. This Empire has one of if not the best in the entire land. It is currently the number 1 target of King Dragon's army & minions.

3. Old Oak Inn, a famous inn with various different vendors, stalls, and shops outside. With a massive harbor from the 2 Empires and Iron String City, it is considered a haven for wandering merchants and businessmen from all across the land. Many people believe it's ever increasing economy, Old Oak Inn and it's surroundings have been blessed by Waukeen, God of Trade.

4. Kingdom of Shar, the remnants of the Elven Kingdom after the war, said to be haunted by Shar, Goddess of Darkness & Loss. Though haunted, many believe that if you manage to sit on the throne of the old Elven Royalty, you may speak to Shar Herself. Many got in, none got out.

5. Iron String City, built from the remnants of the city the halflings were about to built before they went extinct. In fact, many superstitious residents believe the founders of Iron String City were the ones who massacred the halflings and stole their land for their own. That is why the city has been nicknamed Mask's Dominion, the God of Thieves.

6. Fortress of Cardiff, a well known prison, hosting only the most infamous of criminals. Watched over and blessed by Tyr, God of Justice, this fortress has been known to be cold, but just, as is the followers of Tyr. It's warden, General Vegitolo is known to be a very righteous man who treats all prisoners equally and has devout his life to Tyr.

7. Tilted Islands, a rather secluded part of the land. It is said that the residents were the first victims of King Dragon's iron fist. Only a few survivors were left with the wild life and fey of the surrounding forest.

8. Miercoli, a floating palace above the seeing eye. Thought to have only been a myth made up by wandering bards. Legends say that those who are chosen by Milil, God of Poetry and Song are able to see the floating palace to fight to be His favorite & obtain the power to perform any poem or song. The palace is said to be woven by the strums of His zither from top to bottom.

The players will also meet Non Player Characters (NPCs) that will help them along their journey. These are the characters and where the players can find them:

1. Natshe Empire - Archibald (Yuan-Ti Paladin)

2. Llahalva Empire - Lysanderoth (Dhampir Gunslinger)

3. Old Oak Inn - Sonia Rica (Tiefling Monk)

4. Kingdom of Shar - Binji (Goblin Bard)

5. Iron String City - Sosuke Bosuke (Earth Genasi Wizard)

6. Fortress of Candriff - None

7. Tilted Islands - Gunther (Dhampir Ranger)

8. Miercoli - ???

Speaking of the NPCs, here are the Playable Characters:

1. Cosmo - Tiefling (Levistus)/Ice Elf, totem barbarian 

2. Rei - Aasimar (protector), bard

3. John - Orc, beast barbarian

4. James - Orc, cleric

5. Gwydolwyn - Human, Paladin

6. Eniledan Tee'deem - Human, Warlock

7. Shang Mei Jing - Human, Bard

8. Alof - Elf, Cleric

Finally, though not important, here are the descriptions to each god:

Torm - a young gladiator, wearing a bright red cape and helmless plate mail. His broad-shouldered form exuding a sense of power and authority. His physique is chiseled, with every muscle defined and taut, portraying the physical embodiment of bravery. In one hand, he carries a majestic sword, its blade shining with a radiant, ethereal glow. On the other is a massive iron gauntlet.

Helm - a tall man with platted armour and a helm covering his face. Though his face remains hidden, his gaze radiates a sense of unwavering watchfulness. On one hand he carries a massive shield, almost like a concrete wall. On the other is a gauntlet with a staring eye on it, seemingly watching over something.

Waukeen - a slender, young woman with long, lustrous golden hair, splendidly dressed. She wears a gown woven from strips of precious metals polished to a gleaming finish and sprinkled with all manner of gemstones. Her sash is of spun gold and her cloak is a lattice of gold coins. On her feet are boots of laced pearls with gold soles. In her hand is a coin with her profile facing left.

Shar - a darkly beautiful woman with long hair and clad all in swirling attire with a cowled cloak that flowed into shadows. Her eyes are large and haunting, with pupils reflecting the void at the dawn of time, and her smile is cold as night. In her hand is a disk.

Mask - the statue seemingly changed forms every angle you saw it. One was a slightly built man wearing soft gray leather armor, a black cloak, and a black mask tinged with red. Another was a woman with glowing skin, dark, floor-length hair, and starry white lights for eyes, barefoot and was constantly shrouded in a shadow-like gloom. The statue could never take shape of one singular form. One thing the forms had in common, was the black mask they dawned.

Tyr - a seemingly blind man with no eyes and a missing right hand. He had a burly and powerful build, and a bearded face. When you first saw this statue, his eyes were at first the color of bright steel, but they faded away to empty sockets. His brow shone with a white radiance or halo. In his hand were balanced scales resting on a war hammer.

Milil - a young, charismatic, tall male with shoulder-length hair. His clean, handsome good looks were exceeded by the bright, elegantly patterned clothes of a troubadour accented with gold jewelry and other eye-catching decorations he wore. In his had was a five-stringed harp made of leaves.

That is all for the basic information of my story, Beyond King Dragon's Lair. I hope to continue this story in my D&D game and that my players will enjoy the story.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

 Halo teman teman

Bagi para siswa yang sedang mencari sekolah baru, ayo masuk Santa Maria Malang!

Ini info lebih lanjut tentang SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang!

Ayo ikut kita di SMPK Sanmar 2 ✌️

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang is back at it again with Panderman Cup

Check it out on 9-14th of October this year! And if you wanna compete, you can win Rp.15 million for 1st prize

Check out all the info on the image bellow


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